Deutsches Kunstarchiv im Germanischen Nationalmuseum | Kornmarkt 1 | 90402 Nürnberg

Card index of artworks offered in journals

(short key: KF_zeitschr, Type Heinemann Artwork)

This card index contains information on artworks offered in journals. It is alphabetically ordered according to the title of the journal and was transferred in full to the database.

The individual index cards contain the following information:
Name and address of the journal, Heinemann number (H-Nr.), artist, description, date photograph sent in, date of image in journal and date photograph returned.

The card index covers the time period between 1910 and 1938 (1951) and consists of 15 cards.

The associated card index of photographs and photographic prints (KF) is sorted alphabetically according to artists and includes information on the photographs. It consists of 322 cards and was not processed, because it does not contain any additional information.

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