Deutsches Kunstarchiv im Germanischen Nationalmuseum | Kornmarkt 1 | 90402 Nürnberg

Card index of artworks sold

(short key: KV, Type Heinemann Artwork)

This card index contains information on traded artworks. It is alphabetically ordered according to artist and was transferred in full to the database.

The individual index cards contain the following information:
Name of the artist, Heinemann number (H-Nr.), title of the artwork, date, dimensions, information on buyer, sales date. In the field "Comments" the date of purchase by the gallery is noted under the handwritten abbreviation "A". In the field "Sold" is the sales price, in the field "Notes" the purchase price; both are encoded according to an internal gallery code.

The code used for the prices followed a simple scheme: Every number was assigned to a letter. By analyzing the various sources with information on the prices in code and in numbers the code word "VORSEHUNG" (Engl.: providence) could be determined:
V => 1
O => 2
R => 3
S => 4
E => 5
H => 6
U => 7
N => 8
G => 9
t => 0, tp => 00, tpx => 000, tpxy => 0000, tpxyz => 00000

For example:
3,795 = Ruge or
65.000 = Hetpx.

The card index covers the period between 1894 and 1938 (sporadically up to 1951) and consists of 12,972 index cards.

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